Far too many addictions go unnoticed. Although most of us want to help our loved ones who are struggling with addiction, actually identifying the addiction can be tough. Learning these signs of addiction can help you recognize the problem and seek help immediately.

Signs of Addiction: Increased Tolerance

A person’s tolerance for drugs or alcohol is how well their body adapts to frequent consumption. A person who never drinks alcohol might have a tolerance for two or three beers and might feel intoxicated after consuming that amount. Conversely, a person who drinks daily will have a much higher tolerance.

A tolerance for any addictive substance is often one of the warning signs of addiction. It means that the person abuses the substance so frequently that the body struggles to adapt. An increased tolerance is often a clear sign that addiction is developing or already a problem.

Signs of Addiction: Changes to Physical Appearance

Some of the most obvious signs of addiction are physical. That means that you can actually see visible changes to a person’s appearance. Individuals struggling with meth addiction, for example, might suffer from rapid dental decay or sores on their arm. A person with an alcohol addiction may have a flushed face no matter the weather.

Addiction can lead to weight gain or loss, paleness or redness, and even changes to grooming habits. After all, individuals preoccupied with addiction probably won’t spend as much time maintaining their appearances as they used to.

Signs of Addiction: Altered Behavior

Behavioral changes are definitely a reason to suspect an addiction. An addiction to drugs or alcohol can actually change who you are and how you perceive the world. It can cause an outgoing, thoughtful person to become antisocial and paranoid.

If a person keeps to one routine, but then drastically changes it, addiction could be the reason. Addiction can change a person’s priorities as well as his or her sleep schedule.

Addiction Can Lead to Money Problems

When you’re addicted to any substance, nothing is as important as finding and then consuming that substance. Even if paying for more drugs is financially irresponsible, an addict isn’t using logic or rational thought to make the decision.

In addition to the costs of feeding an addiction, it’s tough to bring in an income. Many individuals struggling with addiction find it hard to maintain any kind of job when under the regular influence of drugs or alcohol.

Addiction Can Cause Individuals to Neglect Responsibilities

Neglecting responsibilities is one of the major signs of addiction. Addiction can make even responsible adults skip a day of work or forget to pick up their children from school. It can cause people to forget about their mortgage payments and ignore important phone calls. If you see someone ignoring their obligations, substance abuse programs might be necessary.

Addiction doesn’t have to control your life or the life of your loved ones. At Ashley Addiction Treatment in Havre de Grace, Maryland, you can get support and resources for a life of sobriety and relapse prevention. Call 866-313-6307 to take the first steps toward your recovery.