Also known as ice or crystal meth, methamphetamine is widely known as a dangerous and addictive substance. It can lead to serious health conditions, not to mention ruined relationships and failed careers. Take a closer look at some long and short-term meth effects.
Short-Term Physical Effects of Using Meth
In the short term, meth users report an intense euphoric rush that often lasts for 30 minutes. During this time, the drug enhances energy, focus, and self-confidence. However, there are far more negative side effects to consider. Users often experience a sharp decrease in appetite as well as a change in sleep patterns.
Meth can also cause a rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure. Within minutes or even hours of use, meth can lead to tremors, convulsions, mood swings, and hypothermia. Overall, these negative side effects far outweigh any perceived positive benefits.
Long-Term Physical Effects of Using Meth
Over time, physical meth effects are even more pronounced. Of course, there’s the ever-present threat of addiction. Worse still, there’s the risk of overdose, which in some cases can be fatal.
Chronic meth use can eventually lead to a coma or a stroke. Many meth users report the feeling that bugs are crawling underneath their skin. This can lead to scratches and sores in the skin, not to mention infections in those open wounds.
Other long-term meth effects might include blood vessel damage. Much of this damage is irreversible and should be treated as a serious concern.
Additional Long-Term Meth Effects
Not all long-term effects of meth use are physical. Many are psychological, and they can drastically reduce a person’s quality of life. Many people who use meth over a long period of time suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
Delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations are also common. This can be incredibly frustrating both for the meth users and their loved ones.
A meth addiction also makes it difficult to focus on anything but the drug. Not only can it disrupt family relationships, but it can also lead to criminal activity. In short, it can negatively impact just about every aspect of life.
Overcoming an Addiction to Meth
Even for those who have struggled with a long-term addiction to meth, it’s important to remember that addiction recovery is possible, At Ashley Addiction Treatment, we take a comprehensive and customized approach to ensure that individuals get the proper help. Just a sampling of the treatment strategies and therapies available for recovery include:
- Onsite detox and medical care
- Trauma therapy and mental health support
- Holistic care approaches to recovery
- Clinical care that includes individual and group therapy sessions
The long and short-term effects of meth can be devastating. Fortunately, Ashley Addiction Treatment in Havre de Grace offers a plan for your recovery. Call 866-313-6307 to learn more about the approach to lasting sobriety and freedom from addiction.