When it comes to substance abuse, each generation introduces new fads. One of the latest drug trends involves a concoction called Lean, which is also known as Purple Drank. But what is the Lean drug, and why is it so addictive?

About the Lean Drug

Lean is an easy to make drink. The recipe involves alcohol, prescription cough syrup containing codeine, soda, and hard flavored candy like Jolly Ranchers. Not only is the mix potent but it’s also dangerous—even deadly in some cases.

In addition to codeine, Lean also generally includes promethazine, a second potent ingredient of many cough syrups. This is a sedative that impairs motor functioning. Hard candies and soda sugar in Lean mask unpleasant taste of the medication, making it easier to drink.

Side Effects of the Lean Drug

Lean is a deadly recipe with side effects that become worse with every sip. The first time individuals drink this mixture, they notice the negative effects most. These effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision
  • Memory blackouts

Over time, the effects worsen. Dental decay, weight gain, urinary tract infections, and constipation are all considered Lean side effects. The drink can lead to coma, seizures and even death, especially if combined with alcohol or used with other drugs.

What Is Lean Drug Addiction Treatment?

Lean tolerance is the first sign that addiction is developing. As people drink more and more Lean, they become both physically and psychologically dependent. Because withdrawal symptoms occur between doses of Lean, it makes quitting difficult. Fortunately, a high-quality addiction treatment program can help.

If you or someone you love suffer from addiction, there’s hope for recovery. Help is available at Ashley Addiction Treatment in Havre de Grace, Maryland. At Ashley, our treatment programs designed to suit individual needs. Teens and young adults alike benefit from our Young Adult Program. We also offer a Primary Program for adults.

The Ashley Young Adult program includes:

Help for lasting recovery is available at Ashley Addiction Treatment. Call us now at 866-313-6307 for more information.