The nomination period is now open for the 2016 Father Joseph C. Martin Award for Professional Excellence and The Ashley Addiction Treatment Innovator Award. Both awards will be given at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) in Denver, Colorado, August 18-21.

The Father Martin Professional Excellence Award is given annually to a professional, with 20 or more years of experience, who embodies Father Martin’s legacy of treatment with dignity and respect and continuously focuses on ways to help individuals and their families achieve long-term recovery. Previous winners include Claudia Black, Jerry Moe and Earnie Larsen.

New this year is the Ashley Addiction Treatment Innovator Award which recognizes a professional with less than ten years of service who has made an impact in the field of recovery through innovation, creativity and forward thinking.

If you would like to nominate someone, click here to complete our online form.

An independent committee of leading addiction and mental health professionals will review the nominations and select this year’s winners. The deadline for submitting nominations is July 8, 2016.

We encourage you to honor a friend or colleague by nominating them for these prestigious awards. The winners will join an elite group of committed individuals who have positively affected the lives of millions.