Although many people believe otherwise, addiction isn’t the inevitable outcome for every person who consumes alcohol or tries a drug. For some people, however, addiction becomes a chronic disorder that changes brain chemistry. An addictive personality sets these people apart from others. They’re more susceptible to developing a dependence on alcohol or drugs.

What Is an Addictive Personality?

Addiction isn’t limited to alcohol or drugs. Some people become addicted to gambling, food, sex, and many other things. Certain traits make addiction more likely to develop.

Struggling with ways to manage stress, acting impulsively, and seeking instant gratification makes people more susceptible to become addicted. Typically, they turn to irresponsible behaviors and substances to manage troubles they encounter.

Eventually, this type of behavior can have a detrimental effect on personal relationships and other areas of their lives. When the person becomes more dependent on behaviors or substances, they spend less time on productive ways of coping.

Traits of a Person with an Addictive Personality

There are personality and behavioral traits that predispose people to developing an addiction. Therefore, learning to cope with a person who fits into this category requires an understanding.

Research supports several distinctive traits of an addictive personality such as:

  • Impulsivity
  • Lack of restraint
  • Sensation seeking
  • Nonconformity
  • Social isolation

Acting without giving consideration to the consequences of one’s actions is impulsive behavior. Everyone tends to give into temptation at times, but erratic or spontaneous actions can lead to risky behaviors. Lack of restraint causes a person to display certain behaviors or engage in activities despite negative consequences.

Having these traits may not automatically lead to addiction. In fact, many other factors influence that outcome. However, professional treatment teaches resilience and gives individuals the ability to handle life’s stress.

Resisting Behaviors of an Addictive Personality

Communication is a crucial aspect of coping with a friend or loved one’s susceptibility to addiction. Addiction is a lifelong battle for many that no one should have to fight alone. This arduous fight may seem winnable when friends, family members, and significant others know what is needed.

Support from close relatives and friends can assist the person in staying clean. Perseverance is also key in order to help a person overcome difficult and sad moments. Recognizing these moments as temporary allows them to continue concentrating on what it takes to maintain a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle.

Getting Help to Overcome Addiction

Fighting through the hard times of addiction includes getting high-quality substance abuse treatment. Today, evidence proves that addiction is a physiological disease that affects the brain’s wiring and chemistry. This means that psychological and psychiatric care are just as important.

If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction, contact Ashley Addiction Treatment at 866-313-6307 to get the help you need today.