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Although Xanax, a benzodiazepine, has legitimate medical uses, it’s still addictive prescription medication. In fact, people with and without prescriptions can develop a Xanax addiction. Recognizing that your loved one is addicted can be difficult, but these tips can help.

Chronic Drowsiness

Young Woman with Xanax Addiction Embracing Her MotherMany people take Xanax as a way to relax. However, Xanax can relax the body to dangerous levels. In particular, people addicted to Xanax may struggle with chronic drowsiness. They might not have any energy to work, socialize or exercise.

People who are addicted to Xanax may sleep for long periods of time. In fact, Xanax can also make users fall asleep seemingly out of nowhere. Pay attention to any drastic changes to sleep patterns. It could very well point to an addiction.

Doctor Shopping for Multiple Prescriptions

There are millions of people who use Xanax exactly as prescribed by their doctor. Many of these people have zero substance abuse or addiction issues. Unfortunately, some people start out with good intentions but eventually graduate to “doctor shopping” for prescriptions.

Doctor shopping is when a patient goes to more than one physician or clinic to get the same prescription. They might go to a new doctor when their past doctor recommended weaning off of Xanax. They might even seek two or more ongoing prescriptions in order to take a bigger dose of Xanax each day.

It goes without saying that any form of doctor shopping is dangerous. If your loved one admits to doing so, then they are likely struggling with a Xanax addiction.

Using Xanax Inappropriately

If your loved one mentions inappropriate use of Xanax, take notice. There is never a good, legitimate reason to abuse the drug.

Inappropriate use of Xanax might mean taking more than one dose at a time, or it could mean combining Xanax with other substances. Mixing drugs and alcohol might mean your loved one has already developed a tolerance to Xanax and wants to experience a bigger high.

Mood Swings and Other Mental Health Conditions

Dramatic mood swings are often linked to Xanax addiction. Someone might seem happy and sociable one minute, but they could be angry and yelling the next.

Doctors generally prescribe Xanax to treat mental health conditions like anxiety or panic attacks. However, an addiction can sometimes make these conditions even worse.

Weight Fluctuations

Consistent Xanax abuse can cause both weight gain and weight loss. Sometimes, people who abuse Xanax reduce their energy output and sleep more, which can cause weight gain. Conversely, some people lose their appetite entirely. This can cause drastic weight loss instead.

Unexplained Dizziness or Disorientation

Dizziness and drowsiness are two main Xanax abuse side effects. A large dose can mean users feel completely disoriented. Confusion and memory loss are also common.

Pay close attention to see if your loved one is exhibiting these signs. Recognizing unexplained dizziness or slurred speech without alcohol present can definitely indicate Xanax abuse or addiction.

Treating a Xanax Addiction at Ashley Addiction

Located in Havre de Grace, Maryland, Ashley Addiction Treatment is the ideal place for your loved one to recover from a Xanax addiction. High-quality addiction treatment is vital, and it is dangerous to attempt withdrawal without proper medical supervision.

At Ashley Addiction Treatment, patients can enjoy a comprehensive approach to recovery. Individualized care and attention ensures a safe environment for all patients. While each patient will have his or her own route to lasting sobriety, there are many substance abuse programs available, which include:

If your loved ones suffer from a Xanax addiction, help them find a path to recovery. Call Ashley Addiction Treatment today at 866-313-6307 to learn more about our life-changing programs.