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Understanding the signs of drug addiction opens the door to getting help. However, how do you know if your drug use crossed a line? Along the same lines, how do you help a loved one who doesn’t think he or she has a problem?

Typical Signs of Drug Addiction

Man Worried His Loved One May Be Exhibiting Signs of Drug AddictionEven without finding drug paraphernalia, you can tell when someone undergoes significant changes. Examples include a sudden change in physical health, overall hygiene, or even appearance. Behaviors become different. An open and friendly person may change and become secretive.

Maybe you’re living with someone who suddenly spends a lot of money but has nothing to show for it. Problems at work or school begin to compound. Legal troubles are usually not far behind.

Physical signs of drug addiction may vary depending on the substance. Look for vacant stares, extended periods of inattention, and slowed reactions. Of course, sudden bursts of energy, strength, and a manic disposition are on the other end of the spectrum. Also, pay attention to appetite changes.

Is it Use or Abuse?

When the drug of choice is a prescription, it’s harder to pinpoint signs of drug addiction. For example, opioid painkillers are typically drugs that someone might abuse. However, he or she can have them for legitimate reasons, too. If the person increases the dose, it may be because of a rising physiological tolerance.

But even here, there are some telltale signs to look out for. For example, do you notice that someone is going to more than one pharmacy or doctor to get prescriptions? Maybe someone has pill bottles with another person’s name on them. These are warning signs that prescription use is changing into a chemical dependency.

Getting Help at the First Signs of Drug Addiction

Sometimes, people with a drug problem don’t believe that there’s an issue. They don’t want to admit that they need help. Fortunately, there are different options for loved ones who want to assist.

In some cases, staging an intervention is the best course of action. Before you do so, talk to a drug rehab counselor at Ashley Addiction Treatment. We specialize in helping people just like your loved one stop using and start living sober. Because you may only get one shot at an intervention, it’s vital that you make it count.

A good place to start is understanding that addiction is a disease and not a character problem. By realizing that your loved one has a medical condition that requires treatment, you’ll probably change your approach. Effective treatment approaches include:

Family programs, in particular, play a pivotal role in helping someone overcome drug use. Because addiction doesn’t take place in a vacuum, the entire family needs to heal. Doing so ensures a supportive home environment with re-established trust and communication abilities. If there are children in your home, this program is vital for their healing, too.

Reaching Out for Help Today

Have you been on the receiving end of a family intervention? Maybe you’re working with a loved one who wants to learn more about getting well. Then again, you might realize that you need help and want to find out what it takes to get clean. You don’t have to continue suffering from drug cravings and continued abuse.

Reach out to Ashley Addiction Treatment’s friendly admissions counselors, and they’ll explain to you how you can start down the path to sobriety. Call us now at 866-313-6307 now to learn more about our addiction treatment programs.