Are amphetamine withdrawal symptoms your biggest fear? Fearing these symptoms can keep you in addiction’s hold. However, the way out of these ill symptoms is through a quality detox and rehab treatment program.
Why Do People Fear Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms?
Specifically, amphetamines are stimulants of the central nervous system. This means the drugs in the amphetamine category stimulate or speed up your body’s natural functioning, particularly when it comes to the brain and spinal cord. You can buy these drugs on the street or abuse prescription drugs, such as the case of Adderall addiction.
You start feeling amphetamine withdrawal symptoms when you reach addiction. Moreover, your brain relies on having amphetamines in your system at this point to function properly.
If you stop taking the drugs, you’ll feel the ill effects of withdrawal, which is your body’s cue to give it more of what it wants. It’s also the result of your brain and body trying to adjust to functioning without the drugs it became dependent on.
You fear these amphetamine withdrawal symptoms because they are unpleasant. Some of these effects include depression, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, concentration problems, and appetite changes. You often times feel a crash after stopping your dose for about two days. However, these light symptoms soon give way to more intense amphetamine withdrawal symptoms by day two or three of detox.
Your more intense amphetamine withdrawal symptoms last around five days. During withdrawal, you need help from a quality detox and rehab treatment program, one able to provide safe and professional detox. In addition, this type of program also helps you get through the worst symptoms using helpful medications and other services.
A Bigger Picture of Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms
Amphetamine withdrawal includes a week of mild and moderate symptoms. Once you break through these ill effects in detox, you enter rehab for lengthier treatment of your addiction’s root causes.
Common withdrawal symptoms for amphetamines include:
- Fatigue and intense sleepiness
- Increased appetite
- Twitches and other body movements
- Slow reactions and movements
- Aches and pains
- Agitation, irritability, nightmares, and depression
Your withdrawal experience is unique to you. Therefore, your health, mental condition, length of addiction, dosage, genetics, biology, and other factors determine how your withdrawal proceeds and feels. The process is usually not life-threatening. Being in a professional detox helps you gain the medical supervision and comforts you deserve. This also keeps you safe from relapse during withdrawal, a common problem when going through the symptoms at home.
You can also experience PAWS, post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which is withdrawal that lasts longer than two weeks. Some, such as anxiety or depression, last as long as a year.
PAWS effects include short-term memory problems, inability to concentrate, attention problems, lost self-control, depression, suicidal thoughts, and inability to feel pleasure. Some of the other PAWS effects are fatigue, sleep problems, drug cravings, and physical complaints.
Facing Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms
The only sure method of ending your addiction is through quality treatment in a rehab center. In Havre de Grace, Maryland, Ashley Addiction Treatment helps adults of all ages end their substance use, starting with onsite detox for your stimulant withdrawal symptoms. Programs at Ashley Treatment include:
- Detox, residential and IOP programs
- Behavioral and holistic care
- Individual, group, and family therapy
- Dual diagnosis treatment
- Pain recovery
- Young adult program
Ashley Treatment provides this help in the light of recovery, based on three pillars of care. Those pillars include integrated, innovative, and holistic treatment methods designed for your best chance of lasting recovery. Call Ashley now at 866-313-6310 for more information.