Wellness Screening Tool
Do you or a loved one need help?
If you or a loved one is struggling, Ashley can help. Below are some of the most prevalent mental health challenges weโre facing and some questions you can ask to help identify what you or your loved one is facing.
When you reach out to our highly knowledgeable staff, they will make sure you or your loved one get the help you need.
โข Are you having trouble controlling your drinking or substance use?
โข Is drinking or drug use having a negative impact on your life?
โข Have you tried unsuccessfully to stop drinking or using?
โข If you try to stop, do you experience any of these withdrawal symptoms? (shaking, sweating, anxiety, heart palpitations, hallucinations/ delusions)
โข Do you have flashbacks to the event that caused the trauma?
โข Do you experience emotional distress after exposure to traumatic reminders?
โข Do you avoid certain situations that you have not in the past?
โข Do you experience edginess or restlessness, tiring easily?
โข Do you have trouble concentrating?
โข Are you more irritable than normal?
โข Are you having difficulty sleeping?
โข Do you have diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the day?
โข Do you have feelings of low self-worth?
โข Do you feel fatigued or have energy loss nearly every day?
โข Are you experiencing significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting?
โข Have you noticed insomnia or hypersomnia?
โข Do you feel fatigued or have energy loss nearly every day?
โข Are you experiencing overwhelming thoughts about death or loss?
โข Do you feel Incapacitated by the death of a loved one?
โข Have you developed a flat and dull outlook on life?
โข Does your life feel meaningless without the deceased?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions for yourself or your loved one and it is affecting your ability to function normally, please email Alumni@ashleytreatment.org or visit ashleytreatment.org/clinicaloutreach to find a local Clinical Outreach Representative.