No one likes to deal with pain, but a lot of people have it on a regular basis. At times, they may feel like their only option is to live on strong painkillers. Unfortunately, prescription pain pills cause numerous health problems, including addiction. What people don’t know is that pain recovery specialists can help them reduce pain in natural ways.

What Are Pain Recovery Specialists?

A pain management specialist is someone in the medical field who helps people treat the cause of pain. Pain management experts differ from doctors who just use pain medication to cover up the pain. Instead, they try to determine and fix the cause of the pain to put a permanent end to the source.

Pain recovery is a great option for people who live with pain on a daily basis. While painkillers help them after large accidents or surgeries, people with daily pain can’t rely on them forever. Pain management is all about finding a solution that doesn’t involve the use of addictive medication.

In fact, pain management is the ideal option for people who previously or currently struggle with addiction. They typically can’t take prescription pain relievers because of their addictive nature. A more holistic approach to treatment can give them relief without the need for pain pills.

What to Expect

When people consider getting holistic chronic pain management, they should know what to expect. Before any treatment starts, doctors need to learn more about the pain. They often ask people to rate the pain on a scale from one to 10. On such a scale, ten is usually the worst pain imaginable.

Afterward, doctors usually want to know more about when the pain developed. They might also ask about the activity that brought on the pain. It’s important for them to know if the pain spreads across the body or stays in the affected area.

During this time, people must also tell their doctors if anything that they do makes the pain less intense. For example, maybe light exercise or laying a certain way eases the pain. This information can provide facts that people may not know to tell their doctors otherwise.

Lastly, it’s important for people to let doctors know which medications that they take. From prescription to illegal drugs, doctors need to know the truth to provide the best care possible. People also have to tell their doctors about any herbal supplements or vitamins that they take.

We Can Help Ease Your Pain

Do you struggle with daily pain? At Ashley Addiction Treatment, we offer more than just substance abuse programs. Our pain recovery specialists can help ease your pain naturally. Some of the many programs that we provide include:

Find holistic options to manage your everyday pain. Visit us to see our pain recovery specialists today. Reach out to us right now at 866-313-6310 for more information about how we can help you.