As we take time this week to celebrate the birth of our nation on Independence Day, it is also a great time to celebrate those living in joyful, bountiful recovery!

Every person living in recovery is on a journey โ€“ a journey which began in bondage, where we were shackled by the disease of addiction. And if addiction is bondage, recovery is true independenceโ€ฆ the very definition of freedom!


  • From financial devastation
  • From stress created by our web of lies
  • From deteriorating health
  • Not to constantly check the rear-view mirror in fear
  • To be present during the holidays
  • To reunite with our family and friends
  • To reconnect with our higher power
  • From fear and uncertainty
  • To be able to serve others, not our substance
  • To make our own choices!

In the end, thatโ€™s what it all comes down to – the ability to make choices.

So as you celebrate Independence Day this year, celebrate yourself or someone you love that is experiencing the joy, the freedom, of a life in recovery. And enjoy the wonder of seeing fireworks through sober eyes โ€“ theyโ€™ll never seem brighter!

Clinically Speakingโ€ฆ

Over the last few months, Ashley clinicians have been enhancing and revising our three main programs. This article is the first in a series of three describing these enhancements which provide the cornerstone of our treatment program.

The Ashley Primary Treatment Program
Focused on helping patients discover their individual pathways to healing and establish a solid foundation for recovery. Throughout the 28 day inpatient program, Primary patients receive foundational education about essential addiction, health, and recovery topics as well as core education about pathways to recovery, neurophysiology, and spirituality. In addition, Primary patients participate in various gender specific workshops and activities to support their new recovery lifestyle.

The Primary Program team has recently added new educational lectures and interactive workshops to the Foundational, Core, and Gender Specific activities. Some of the Foundational education sessions include:

  • Chemical Dependency and other Disorders
  • Disease Progression
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Spirituality
  • Core Issues
  • Picking Up the Pieces
  • Steps 1-3
  • Nutrition in Recovery
  • Fitness in Recovery
  • Relationships in Recovery
  • Employment in Recovery

The Core Primary program consists of 7 interactive educational workshops. These include:

  • 12-Step Basics
  • Process Addiction
  • Physiological Effects of Alcohol and Opioids
  • Growing Up Again
  • Mind, Body, Spirit Connectivity in Recovery
  • Refusal Skills
  • Making Healthy Decisions In Early Recovery

These Primary Program changes went into effect in May, bringing fresh and essential new content to the Ashley patient experience.

Coming next Month: The Ashley Relapse Treatment Program

Ashley Developments – The Womenโ€™s Solarium at Ashley

In our May edition of e-news, we announced a project to create the new Womenโ€™s Solarium at Ashley, a dedicated space for women that will help provide an atmosphere of awakening, encouraging them to connect with others, and get the most from their treatment experience.

Women have different needs and face different challenges during their treatment experience. The new Solarium will help meet many of these needs, encouraging women to find a path to healing in a safe, caring and dignified environment. Activities available in the new Solarium will include journaling, art therapy, meditation and yoga, as well as resources to hold gender-specific presentations, all while affording an advantageous and inspirational view of the Chesapeake Bay!

Please consider making a donation to help us complete this important project. Join donors like Debbie G., who told us, โ€œI am so excited to be a part of the new Womenโ€™s Solarium at Ashley! I believe that women deserve the best treatment experience possible and the Solarium will help provide that. It will be my legacy!โ€